I love the half-second before a speaker begins. I love the mystery and hope that exists in this unknown space. I love the possibility that is held in what will unfold ~ the “blank slate” nature of this moment in time. I love watching them take that first deep breath.

I love seeing how they start their talk and pinpointing certain features right away. His rich, booming voice. Her confident, assertive eye contact. I love watching them tap into their natural abilities. I love the surprised looks on their faces when I tell them what those gifts are. I love that I’m often the first person who has explained their gifts to them out loud.

I love listening to carefully crafted stories punctuated by descriptive details, purposeful pauses and elegant endings.

I love sitting with clients to compliment strengths. I love encouraging them. I love explaining why and how their strength adds value. I love watching their anxiety deflate before my eyes.

I love finding weaknesses in slide decks or scripts. I love illustrating why certain tweaks will catapult their credibility and captivate crowds. I love editing scripts and slides. I love watching a savvy slide deck unfold from the audience. I love when it flows effortlessly.

I love the ‘thinking space’ in between sensing that a word doesn’t fit… and then landing on just the right one.

I love rehearsing speakers live. I love the nervous energy and vulnerability that comes with them as they put it all out there. I love helping them with cadence, suggesting a staccato style for that one sentence, and hearing them land the ending “Ask” perfectly. I love teaching them to rehearse on their own. I love hearing them answer questions effortlessly, and with ease.

I love watching them Nail It. I love seeing the joy they feel in knowing that feeling. I love hearing their voices when they call me with wins. I love letting them go and seeing them soar from afar.

What Clients Say