This was my view of the American Flag on Friday at my daughter’s basketball game.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please rise and remove your caps for the playing of our National Anthem,” says Andrew Wallace, the high school music teacher.
And we do.
We quietly rise.
We stand up straight.
We face the flag, hands on hearts.
We gaze.
Then Mr. Wallace sings our National Anthem, with volume and perfection, grace and gusto. It gives me chills. Every time.
Especially when we get to the part, “…and the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.”
That’s partly because of the way the song is written and how the notes crescendo to the highest points – but also because it’s a STORY.
It’s the APEX of the story. It’s a rich, beautiful story about our nation.
And for these 2 to 3 minutes inside that gym, we are all united.
Everyone is completely quiet.
There’s a sense of profound respect that comes over everyone. Parents show the children what it means to respect our nation.
To the presidents who have lead our nation, and all who will in the future, may you do so with grace, respect, and a desire to unite this one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.